According to documented estimates, the famous Canaanite and Amorites migration from the Arabian Peninsula took place in the middle of 3rd millennium BC, however, some researchers pointed out that the Canaanites were settled in the country, since the beginning of the third millennium BC, based on Egyptian archaeological discoveries, Other researchers went further, indicating that existed before seven thousand years.
The land of Canaan itself was generally recognized as extending from sometimes to an area encompassing all of Palestine and Syria, sometimes only to the land west of the Jordan River, and sometimes just to a strip of coastal land from Acre (ʿAkko) northward. It included important trade routes and trading sites, making it valuable territory for all the surrounding great powers for the next millennia.
They were the first to build civilization on Palestine Land, The Canaanites were a Semitic people because they spoke Semitic languages.
list of the oldest Canaanite cities: Jericho, Ashdod, Akko (Acre), Gaza, Magdal, Yafi (Jaffa), Ashqelon (Ashkelon) and Beit Shean, There are also many towns and villages, some of it remained and others shattered, Shechem was the capital of Canaan.
Canaanites were famous in agriculture and industry and excelled in mining as well as in the industry of pottery, glass, textiles, clothes and architecture. Music, and literature were at the top of the Canaan civilization, as no other sematic peoples were interested in arts and music as the Canaanites. They derived much of their musical elements from various peoples from the ancient far east because the rites of Canaanite worship required the use of music. Thus, their musical instruments and tones spread throughout the Mediterranean areas, Canaanites profited from their intermediary position between the ancient civilizations of the Middle East.
There is no one to argue that Art and Literature are the symbols of civilization, so it is not strange-through the Israeli writings- to find out the arduous efforts the Israelis have been exerting claiming they were the founders of the original civilization the chanters, and singers. They were actually delusive, but the great trusted historians, like Bristed, in his description of the flourishing Cana’anite cities, which the Hebrews entered, that there were cities with comfortable luxurious houses, and industries, trade, writing, temples and the civilization, which were soon imitated by the primitive herdsmen Hebrews.
Since five thousand years -the begining of written history- Palestine, until the British Mandate in 1920, knew only three languages: the Canaanite , the Aramite -the Christ language-, and the Arabic.
2000 B.C.-1200 B.C
At the beginning of the Second Thousand B.C. the cities to be active, Meanwhile new patterns of architecture, graves and new kinds of pottery and weapons appeared, This period was famous for its trade relations and advanced politics with the majority of the east ancient areas, particularly, with Egypt, great Syria, North Syria and East Anadul. this period was distinguished with advanced pottery industry, and various pretty shapes of utensils were produced
This period was, more or less, completely dominated by Egypt on Great Syria during the rule of both the eighteenth and the nineteenth families, At this period, there was a state of turmoil observed, which was dominating on Palestine, seemingly at the south and middle sites in the eighteenth family time
1200-550 B.C – Era of Kingdoms (Iron Age)
At that time, Palestinians considered themselves as legal successors to the Egyptian Authority on Palestine. so, they dominated most parts of Palestine. They were often called the population of the Palestinian coast because they established number of main cities, as; Gaza, Askalan, Asdod, Akeer, Tal Al Safi and others.
The local Canaanite effects appeared on Palestinians from the names of their gods, like; Dagon and Ashtarout. The religious life of Palestine coast population was originally Canaanite with their religious buildings. The most important religious buildings were the series of the temples at Tal Kaseela which were built like the Canaanite temples with With Egyptian influences.