The Palestinian Central Elections Commissions (CEC) today published the preliminary register of candidates, which includes 36 electoral lists nominated for the 2021 legislative elections, and said that 1389 candidates, including 405 women, in 29 independent lists and 7 political parties will compete in the Palestinian legislative elections planned for May 22.
The CEC said that publishing the names of the nominated lists and candidates at its various offices in all districts and on its official website ( will make them available for public review and objections, if any, and will remain accessible to the public until Thursday evening.
The CEC accepted all 36 electoral lists that submitted their nomination applications, including 29 independent lists and 7 from political parties. The number of candidates nominated for Legislative Council membership reached 1,389, including 405 women (accounting for 29% of all candidates). The demographic of candidates according to the age group is as follows: 38.5% for ages 28-40, and 22.2% for ages 41-50, and 39.3% for candidates ages 50+.
The CEC affirmed that each voter, list, or candidate has the right to submit an objection or complaint regarding any list or candidate who has violated the nomination conditions. Objections must be accompanied by supporting evidence and must be submitted in writing using the CEC’s official form.
The CEC will then review the objections and complaints within a maximum period of three days and issue its official decision in writing, which may be appealed before the Elections Court within three days of receiving the decision and the Court will have seven days to issue its final ruling.